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Bubble Menu

The bubble menu, as its name suggests, is a context menu that appears when you select content for editing. It provides quick access to editing operations, such as Bold, Italic, and Code, among others.


The bubble menu will be automatically enabled when you import the correct plugins.

The system provides the following default bubble menus:

Component NameFunctionalityConfiguration Field
BubbleMenuTextProvides text-related editing operations like bold, italic, underline, etc.textConfig
BubbleMenuLinkProvides link-related operations like add, edit, delete linkslinkConfig
BubbleMenuImageProvides image-related operations like resizing, alignment, etc.imageConfig
BubbleMenuVideoProvides video-related operations like playback control, size adjustment, etc.videoConfig
TableBubbleMenuProvides table-related operations like adding/deleting rows and columns, merging cells, etc.tableConfig
BubbleMenuKatexThe BubbleMenuKatex component provides operations related to rendering mathematical equations using the KaTeX library. It allows users to insert, edit, and format mathematical expressions within the editor.katexConfig
BubbleMenuIframeProvides iframe-related operations like size, link , etc.iframeConfig
BubbleMenuExcalidrawProvides excalidraw-related operations like changing size, edit etc.excalidrawConfig
ColumnsMenuProvides multi-column layout operations like adjusting column numbers, widths, etc.columnConfig
ContentMenuProvides general content-related operations like copy, paste, delete, etc.floatingMenuConfig

Disabling the Bubble Menu

If you don't want to use the bubble menu, you can disable it using the hideBubble property.


Disabling a Specific Bubble Menu

If you want to disable a specific bubble menu, you can do so using the bubbleMenu property. For example, to disable the text-related menu:

    textConfig: {
      hidden: true,

Customizing the Bubble Menu

If you want to customize the bubble menu, you can configure it using the render function within the bubbleMenu property.

    render: (props, menuDom) => {
      return <YourComponent />

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